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Fun With Triangles

A quiz app on triangles which also provides features like calculating area of triangle, calculating hypotenuse of triangle, built with Javascript

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Stock Profit or Loss Calculator

A stock profit-loss calculator app which gives profit/loss amount and percentage, made with Javascript

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Is Your Birthday Palindrome

An app which shows if your birthday is palindrome or not, built with Javascript

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Is Your Birthday Lucky

A fun app which takes birthday and lucky number as inputs and shows if birthday is lucky or not, made with Javascript

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Cash Register Manager

A cash register manager web app which tells the amount of money to return with specific number of notes of different dinominations built with Javascript

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Movie Recommendation App

A web app which recommends movies of different genres made with react.js

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Fun With Animals

An emoji interpreter web app which interprets meaning of different animal emojis, made with react.js

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Yoda Speak Translator App

A web app which translates to Yoda Speak made with Javascript using funtranslations API.

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Minion Speak Translator App

A web app which translates English to Banana language made with Javascript using funtranslations API.

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The Dark Knight Trilogy

A CLI Quiz game on Batman Trilogy built with nodeJS, using

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Do You Know Me?

A CLI Quiz game built with nodeJS, using

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